Welcome to Winston Heights Public School. We hope you enjoy visiting our website.
Winston Heights Public School was established in 1975. The school currently caters for just under 360 children from Kindergarten to Year 6.
Our school has an excellent reputation for providing a safe, happy, engaging and supportive learning experience, where great emphasis is placed on high education standards ensuring that every student is known, valued and cared for.

At Winston Heights Public School we focus on providing quality learning opportunities for all children. We strive to provide a well-rounded education that values and supports the academic, creative, physical and emotional development of each child. We have a commitment to ensure that quality teaching and learning are the central focus of every classroom.
We offer a wide range of learning opportunities to enable students to continue to flourish. Our extensive programs include choir, debating, public speaking, Tournament of Minds (TOM), Maths Olympiad, Sport (school & PSSA) WHET group (Winston Heights Environment Team) and the Primary Links programs with Model Farms High School. We also have a comprehensive extra-curricular music program, including keyboard, Beginner Band, Concert Band and Performance Band.
Our school is well resourced and provides students with access to the latest technologies, including a connected classroom, interactive whiteboards and robotics to enhance their learning.
Our teachers are an experienced and dedicated team of professional educators. Their knowledge, enthusiasm and creativity inspire students to achieve their best. The staff participate in professional learning that is evidence based to ensure improvement in student outcomes.
Our welcoming and friendly school community is based on strong cooperative relationships between staff, students and parents. High levels of parent participation within the school are characterised by mutual interest, support and decision making opportunities.
This website serves to assist you to become acquainted with our school and the many opportunities and experiences available. Please use the site to gather general information about the school, dates of upcoming events and copies of newsletters.
If you have any enquiries about our school; wish to become more actively involved; or are seeking to enrol your child, please contact the school.
Mrs Terri Bullock